Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yellow summer wreath

I actually like a wreath on my door! I used to think that they are tacky, you know- fake flowers -but seeing the endless variety of styles and materials they can be made out of, I realized, I can find or make a wreath that I would absolutely love to hang on my front door.
A long time ago I bought a huge piece of fabric with intention to make matching skirts for me and my daughter for an outdoor photo-shoot. The event fell through and the skirts were never made.

Thinking about what colors I would like to incorporate in my wreath I remembered of this fabric and got inspired on the spot!!! Yellows and grays seemed the perfect match for me.
Then, another day I went for a run and found this old wreath on the side of the road. Of corse I couldn't let it stay there!

I had to work on it a little though. I stuck extra twigs in spots where it was a little thin and trimmed them all around to even it out.

I decided to spray paint it yellow and put felt rosettes on it. I got the paint with 40% off coupon in Jo-Ann's and felt for about $1.50 as I only asked them to cut it in about 5'' strips.

Then I cut the felt in squares. I wanted my gray rosettes be the biggest ones, so bigger squares for those.

Next step - take a pen and draw a spiral on one square (starting with the middle), so you know how to cut it. I noticed that the closer (more rings) the spiral is, the wider and flatter your rosettes will be. If you want your flowers to stand up higher, make your spiral "fatter". Once you get a feeling of how to cut it, you wont need to draw a spiral anymore.
Then staring with the outside end start rolling them up. Unless your rosette is very wide, you wont need to hot glue it as you go. When you are to the very middle of the spiral, just hot glue the end underneath the rosette to give it kind of a base. You know what I mean once you're there.

And that is the end result! Now I have a yellow wreath
on my door and I like it!

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